Our Blog
Our enthusiasm, expertise, experience, ambition and inquisitiveness drive us. We learn rapidly. We think rapidly. We solve rapidly. We move rapidly. We deliver rapidly.
14th Dec 20 James Scullion
As the new year creeps closer, you might want to reflect on the year passed and look at what performed well and…
09th Oct 20 James Scullion
If you have taken on a client and are doing their social media marketing, you’ll know that you can’t immediately spring into…
06th Oct 20 James Scullion
Instagram for your business is a mindfield. It can be overwhelming and intimidating and many businesses bury it at the bottom of…
01st Oct 20 James Scullion
When Zuckerberg launched Facebook in February 2004, the mission statement was ‘to give people the power to build community and bring the…
01st Sep 20 James Scullion
Most businesses today are coming to the realisation that video content is extremely important. We know that video content is more digestible…
24th Aug 20 James Scullion
Here at Rapid, we’re all about time management. Making the most of your time on LinkedIn will allow you to stay visible,…
17th Aug 20 James Scullion
Last week, our old familiar Instagram launched a new feature; Instagram Reels. It is by far the most notable of Instagram’s new…
26th Jun 20 James Scullion
Facebook and Instagram Shopping: E-Commerce has gone Social. Digital Marketing Blog | Rapid Agency | Digital Marketing Agency Belfast Facebook…