LinkedIn seems to have jumped on the Stories Bandwagon that we’ve seen spread like wildfire across all our favourite social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, even Bumble! Over 500 million people use stories every day. These stories usually stay online for 24 hours, before being deleted. Our less polished content often is published here, and our grids/feeds are treated as the portfolio of our lives, highlighting the best bits. So, LinkedIn has followed suit, encouraging ‘members and organizations to share images and short videos of their everyday professional moments’ on the LinkedIn Stories. You might be asking yourself, why? What’s the point? Surely polished content is more professional than quick snaps anyway? Well, here at Rapid Agency, we’re experts of all things social, so let us fill you in on why you need to be utilising LinkedIn Stories.
Behind the Scenes
Revealing the projects you have in the works, a snapshot of the office on a random Tuesday morning or where your staff voted to grab lunch on a Friday are great ways to show your connections that you and your team are more than just a business. You’re living, breathing people who want to make real connections in your career.
You may not want to make a post about these seemingly unimportant things. That’s where your LinkedIn Stories come in. Removing that distance and making yourself more relatable is so important; it builds trust and a healthy relationship with customers.
Increase Engagement
Did you know that 25% of users swipe up on Instagram stories? That’s a lot of sales you previously wouldn’t have had. Now transfer this to LinkedIn, and you could see a LOT more engagement with your website. You can also directly reply to stories and strike up a conversation with someone you’d potentially like to work with, in a casual and simple way! They might check out your profile, and you never know what could happen from there.
Less Intimidating
To many, LinkedIn can seem very intimidating. You can filter who can view your posts, anyone can search for you, find you and, well, judge you based on what you post! It’s no surprise that less than 1% of people post weekly on LinkedIn. However, stories are adding a whole new level of realness to the app and perhaps it will feel a lot more casual and less intimidating. Who knows, but here’s hoping!
This is a really exciting new addition to your career building, network growing, connection making platform. It’s an opportunity to show a raw, unfiltered and unrefined version of yourself and your business, so why not give LinkedIn Stories your best shot?