If the possibility of a brand new website or even just a clean up has crossed your mind. Then the answer is likely a yes! With the high street closed due to coronavirus, a brand’s online and digital presence has never been more important! We run through the top reasons why you might need a new website in 2021!
A beautifully designed website leads to conversions!
Users will spend a few seconds scanning your website to find the information they are looking for. The longer the user stays on your page, the better the impression – and design plays a large factor in keeping visitors on-site. People are more forgiving of well-designed pages. That first impression can be made within 50 milliseconds of visiting a site. These are significant statistics that lead to an immediate drop in conversions. If your website visitors don’t make it past the first page they visit. Design is how visitors judge your credibility, website security, and make decisions about your brand. Even minor changes to design can lead to an uptick in visitor engagement, retention, and trust. Key to a website in 2021
Speed is everything!
Speed means everything when trying to gain authority online and is vital to your website in 2021! As mentioned above it takes potential customers mere seconds to make a decision to keep browsing or drop off the site! Now more than ever, people expect instant results (just think how frustrating it is when you see a loading spinning wheel). Regardless of what the final step of your website’s user journey is, if your website isn’t performing quickly and efficiently, it will be difficult to retain the visitor to make a conversion.
Mobile first!
Just think of how many people you know of who DO NOT own a smartphone. (very few right?) Now think about how frustrating it is when you pull a website up on your mobile phone and it is not responsive! This is not ok when building a website in 2021
Whether it’s because the text was too small, or you couldn’t find the links you wanted. Making sure your website is optimised for more than the desktop experience is increasingly important. In a world that is shifting to mobile-first, your website needs to be responsive for consistent user experience. With so many existing and potentially new visitors who will be checking out your website on their phones before their computers, make sure you optimise the mobile experience to ensure a positive lasting impression for your visitors.
Address different audience segments and open your businesses to new customers/clients!
The content on your website shouldn’t be focused on only one type of visitor. If your goal is to convert a customer to buy a product, look at creating content that also addresses others who aren’t ready to buy, or have already bought. Maybe have a sign-up form for tips and information, or informative landing pages that will guide the customer to eventually convert. If not, then a visitor may not return to your website frequently if there isn’t relevant or updated content beyond the one action.
Conversion also may not happen right away—so covering your bases by having content that addresses all types of users can help lead towards actual conversions. By having content that covers different audience segments, you’ll keep a wide visitor base who will stay engaged beyond the main goal. Having an online presence opens your business to brand new customers and clients that may have never come across your business otherwise! Similarly styled social media accounts that have regular posts and good engagement increase credibility and trust!
Examine the User Journey Experience!
Examining the user journey on your website determines your success for click through rate and engagement! Does your website clearly guide users to your ultimate goal? Is there too much information (or not enough?) and the user is overwhelmed? Call to action links should be clear, leading visitors to the next step ,try to avoid multiple CTAs in one spot, as it can be confusing what the next step for the user is. Imagery, headlines, copy should all inform and guide users. Too many steps on the path, including having too many form fields, can decrease user engagement and cause drop-off before conversions.
Reducing these potential blocks and making things as easy as possible has the potential to increase conversion rate. It’s important to test out the user journey on your website and find the decision points, copy, or call to actions that are leading to failed conversions.
At Rapid we are more than happy to help! We understand how vital it is to stand out from the crowd in an incredibly competitive marketplace. The truth is, your website is your shop window – in the store that is open 24/7. That’s why we help to bring your vision to life with aesthetically pleasing user-focused websites that guarantee return on investment. Our Web Design Agency in Belfast specialises in delivering accessible web design and branding to businesses across the world. We specialise in web design that delivers results. Get in touch with us today!