Campaign Design

At Rapid Agency, our Campaign Design service is focused on creating impactful and effective campaigns that not only stand out but also drive growth for businesses across Northern Ireland and the UK.

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How we approach Campaign Design


Our in-house design and marketing teams at Rapid take a strategic and personal approach to campaign design, delving deep into your business, target audience, and goals to create a tailored campaign design that resonates with them and achieves your objectives.

We specialise in creating campaigns that are not only visually appealing but also effectively communicate your message and calls to action, resulting in increased engagement and conversions. We pride ourselves on delivering campaigns that drive results, and we’re committed to helping you achieve your business objectives and drive growth. 

A mobile and laptop showing the blue and pink campaign designs for Fairhill Shopping Centre by Rapid Agency
Two girls looking at a desktop computer showing the Wedding Showcase campaign design for Tullyglass House Hotel

What does a campaign design include?


Our Campaign Design at Rapid Agency typically includes an array of key elements that help to guide your overall digital strategy, messaging and tactics for a particular marketing, awareness or advocacy effect. 

The key elements of campaign design vary depending on the specific goals of your campaign, but these will include:


Campaign Goals and Objectives: 


The first step in designing a campaign is for us to work together to define your goals and objectives for the campaign.


Target Audience


It’s important for us to understand who your target audience is so we can tailor your messaging and positioning to their specific needs and interests. This might involve creating buyer personas or conducting market research to better understand your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviours.


Messaging and Positioning: 


Your messaging and positioning will help you communicate your campaign’s value proposition to your target audience. This might involve developing key messages or themes that highlight the benefits of your product or service and positioning yourself relative to competitors in the market.


Branding and Visual Identity: 


Your branding and visual identity should be consistent across all channels and tactics, and help reinforce your messaging and positioning. This might involve the creation of a brand style guide that outlines your brand’s colours, fonts, and imagery, as well as developing creative assets like logos, graphics, and videos.

a launch campaign design for maine soft drinks subscription service
A Christmas campaign design for shortcross gin and whiskey

Campaign Design Strategy


The foundation of any successful campaign is a solid strategy. Our team at Rapid will work with you to identify your business goals and objectives, target audience, messaging, and tactics that align with your budget and timeline.

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Our strategic approach ensures that your campaign design is tailored to your specific needs and objectives.


Multi-Channel Design:


Our Campaign Design service takes a multi-channel approach, meaning we design campaigns that are suitable for different channels, such as social media, email marketing, search engine advertising, and more. This ensures that your message reaches your target audience across multiple touchpoints, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.


Data Analysis:


At Rapid, we believe that data is the foundation for effective marketing. Our team will analyse your campaign performance and gather insights to optimise your campaigns over time. We use data-driven insights to fine-tune your messaging, targeting, and tactics for maximum impact and results.




We understand that your business is unique, and that’s why we take a collaborative approach to our Campaign Design service. We work closely with you to understand your business objectives, preferences, and feedback. Our collaborative process ensures that you are involved in the campaign design process every step of the way.


Campaign Management:


We don’t just design campaigns; we also monitor, analyse, and optimise them for continuous improvement. Our team uses the latest tools and techniques to track your campaign performance and identify areas for improvement. We then use this data to make data-driven decisions to optimise your campaign for better results.


At Rapid, we take pride in our creativity and design skills. Our in-house team of designers and copywriters are skilled in creating visually stunning campaigns that effectively communicate your message and resonate with your target audience. We strive for excellence in everything we do, from the initial design concept to the final execution of your campaign.

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How can a campaign design benefit my business?


A marketing campaign created by our team at Rapid Agency can offer several benefits to your business. There are many ways a marketing campaign can benefit your business. 

Increased brand awareness:


A marketing campaign can help you reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness. With the help of Rapid, we can develop a campaign that promotes your business, product, or service, and increase visibility to potential customers.

Increased sales:


A successful marketing campaign can drive sales by attracting new customers and encouraging existing customers to make repeat purchases. We can help you create campaigns that are specifically designed to generate leads and convert them into sales.


Improved customer engagement: 


A marketing campaign can help you engage with your customers and build long-term relationships with them.  At Rapid, we can help you create campaigns that are designed to encourage customer interaction and feedback, which can help you improve your products or services.


Enhanced reputation: 


A well-executed marketing campaign can enhance your business reputation by positioning you as a thought leader in your industry. We can help you create campaigns that showcase your expertise and establish your business as a reputable brand.


Billboard Design and Execution


At Rapid, we provide billboard design and execution to create and execute outdoor advertising campaigns on billboards, typically placed in high-traffic areas that also align with your goals. We will work with you to design an eye-catching and engaging billboard that effectively communicates the intended message to your target audience. At Rapid, we provide creative development, media planning, and billboard placement. 

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Why choose Rapid for your campaign design?


Our goal is to help you stand out in the market, build trust and loyalty with your customers, and achieve your business objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create impactful and effective campaigns for your business.