
Coffee. Community. Connection. 

Terrace Coffee House is the newest arrival to Belfast’s vibrant coffee community, providing exceptional coffee every time.

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Project Overview


We were approached by the team at Terrace Coffee House to create a new brand design for Belfast’s newest coffee shop. The goal was to create a truly immersive brand that offered a unique experience that didn’t exist in Belfast. 

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Brand Design


The brand design for Terrace Coffee House took inspiration from the iconic location on Malone Road, particularly the interior steelwork and shape of the building itself. A minimal, clean design was created to ensure the interior and brand worked together.

Efficiency was a key element of the overarching brand due to the location of Terrace. With transport links located in close proximity to the coffee house, meaning the ‘grab and go’ message was key. 




Terrace’s logo design aimed to communicate the coffee house’s location on the iconic Malone Road in Belfast. The logo also mirrored the unique ‘L’ shape of the building, making direct reference to the to-go coffee cup to subtly reinforce the idea of grabbing a coffee and going – with Terrace being a reliable place for a quick but exceptional coffee.

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Image of the signage designed for Terrace Coffee House in Belfast by Rapid Agency
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Colour Palette


Terrace’s colour palette again works closely with the coffee house’s interiors, with a beautiful terracotta shade making reference to the rustic metal staircase within the building. Along with this, a neutral colour palette was developed to communicate timelessness, and the deep maroon colour makes reference to the premium quality coffee. 

Brand Roll-Out


The brand roll-out for Terrace Coffee House included a range of tangible products that live within the coffee house including menus, coffee cups and coffee packaging. Signage and social media assets were also created to ensure that the Terrace brand is consistent both offline and online.

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Ulster University
