Digital Marketing trends we’re looking out for in 2024

4min Read 18th Jan 24 James Scullion

2023 was the year of TikTok, video content, AI and Influencer marketing. Let’s delve deep into what we think the digital marketing trends for 2024 will look like.    Social… Read More

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2023 was the year of TikTok, video content, AI and Influencer marketing. Let’s delve deep into what we think the digital marketing trends for 2024 will look like. 


Social Commerce

Social commerce will be a huge focus for brands in 2024. If they can get customers who will make an in-app purchase, then it’s a win-win. It will ensure sales for the brand and an easy purchasing journey for the customer. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will lead the way in integrating more prominent shopping features into their user experience. This includes streamlined shopping journeys, enhanced product discovery, immersive experiences and social proof to drive future purchases. By embracing these changes, businesses can capitalise on the evolving digital commerce landscape. This will allow them to engage with their audience and convert that engagement directly into sales.

TikTok Shop has blown up since its launch in 2021. According to a recent study, 52% of weekly UK TikTok users are interested in purchasing on the app in the next three months. A massive 60% of Gen Z users have purchased a product because they saw it on TikTok in the last year. UK users are 74% more likely to discover products from an ad or sponsored post vs shopping on traditional marketplaces. 

TikTok’s algorithm ensures content is highly personalised. This increases the chances of high levels of engagement by connecting with the right audience. Building a strong community on TikTok is crucial for long-term success. Brands should be engaging with their audiences. They can do this by responding to comments, engaging with user-generated content, and leveraging popular trends like #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt. This will increase your visibility and connect with potential customers. Additionally, take advantage of TikTok’s built-in audience targeting controls. Quality is better than quantity. It’s better to reach a handful of relevant people than to reach out to thousands who aren’t interested in your products.


Influencer Marketing

Consumers don’t want to be sold to. They want more than endorsements. They crave genuine and authentic relationships with influencers. This shift will likely drive the growth of micro-influencers – individuals with smaller but highly engaged followings. With this in mind, brands consider working with influencers who have more niche and targeted audiences and who recognise the value of authenticity.

Brands are increasingly favouring long-term collaborations with the same influencers over one-off campaigns with various ones. This shift is driven by the authenticity and trust that develop when an influencer consistently endorses a brand. The longer-term approach transforms sporadic promotions into an engaging narrative. This, in turn, makes the brand’s presence in the influencer’s content feel more genuine and less like random advertising. 

As a result, we will see influencers becoming integral parts of affiliate programmes. Influencers are now recommending products to their followers – but typically only those they use or trust themselves. Brands are discovering that influencers can be true champions of their products. Influencers can help their followers through the entire sales funnel, from awareness to consideration and even purchase.


User Generated and Interactive Content

User-generated content (UGC), is a powerful way for brands to show social proof and connect with people. Brands can get users involved by running fun contests or challenges with special hashtags or themes and rewarding the best entries. Working with popular influencers can also help reach more people. By involving the audience in content creation, UGC has the potential to heighten brand credibility and nurture customer loyalty. This inclusive approach shapes the narrative surrounding brands and cultivates a strong community spirit among consumers.

In 2024, interactive content that actively engages users will go from a novelty to the norm. These interactive elements help to elevate video content and relate it to the viewer – which is why we see influencers using them to build their communities. We can expect to see more brands taking a leaf out of this book. From quizzes and polls to augmented reality experiences, brands will leverage interactive digital marketing content to captivate audiences, create memorable experiences, and drive higher levels of user participation. 

This will all play a major role in strengthening brand awareness and customer loyalty. Using interactive content and UGC will have a hugely positive impact on sales. If potential customers can see influencers posting about your products, the brand itself engaging with its followers and the brand resharing UGC, then this will in turn build brand trust leading to more sales.



As environmental concerns continue to take centre stage, consumers increasingly seek brands that align with their values. To achieve success, it will be essential for businesses to adopt sustainable and purpose-driven digital marketing strategies that are authentic to the brand. According to a recent study, 61% of UK consumers feel sustainability is more important to them than it was two years ago.

It’s not enough to showcase eco-friendly initiatives. Instead, brands must actively incorporate sustainable practices, support social causes, and authentically validate their purpose. According to the same study 30% are less likely to stop buying if a brand is found guilty of greenwashing, so if you are going to have sustainability as part of your 2024 marketing strategies make sure it is worthwhile and not just for the sake of it. Consumers today are a lot more conscious and switched on and will be able to spot if brands are making ingenuine efforts. In today’s era of conscious consumerism, brands that genuinely embody and communicate a commitment to sustainability will be able to attract and retain a loyal and socially conscious customer base.


AI and Machine Learning

In 2024, AI will continue to play an increasingly important role in digital marketing and SEO. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionising the way search engines understand and rank content. Search engines are using AI-powered algorithms to interpret search intent, personalise search results and provide more accurate answers to users’ queries. Brands should be utilising AI-powered tools for keyword research, content optimisation and data analysis to gain a competitive edge. This will ensure that brands can stay ahead of the game, leveraging this trend to their needs. There will be a huge focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that addresses the users needs.

With the surge in smart devices and virtual assistants, voice search is becoming increasingly popular. To stay ahead, it’s vital to optimise your website for voice search. This involves using longer, conversational keywords, adopting a natural tone in your content, and ensuring your site’s technical elements seamlessly support voice search.


To conclude, these are just a few of the emerging digital marketing trends that we can see fold out throughout 2024. A few key takeaways for brands would be to focus on getting customers to make in-app purchases, engaging with audiences to build a sense of community, sustainability, influencer marketing and AI.

4mins 18th Jan 24 James Scullion