Let’s talk about AI in digital marketing

3min Read 15th Jun 23 James Scullion

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First things first: What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the most transformative technologies of the past decade in digital marketing. It has revolutionised how we work, learn, communicate, and live our daily lives. One of AI’s most interesting applications is in natural language processing, where machines are taught to understand and respond to human language. ChatGPT is the perfect example of this, a large language model trained by OpenAI.

ChatGPT is designed to understand and generate human-like responses to online queries. It’s a model that’s been trained using a vast amount of text data, including everything from books and articles to social media posts and chat conversations. This extensive training makes Chat GPT one of the most advanced AI language models in existence, capable of generating highly accurate and relevant responses to a wide range of queries. 

Users can also input their own text and see how Chat GPT responds, which can be a great way to test the model’s capabilities and see how it works in real-world situations. 

AI tools have become an essential component of modern businesses, with ChatGPT being just one example. With their ability to analyse large amounts of data and automate various tasks, these tools can help businesses become more efficient and effective. 

What are the dangers of using AI in digital marketing?


One of the most significant dangers of using AI in digital marketing is the risk of bias. AI systems are only as good as the data they’re trained on. The data used to train these systems is often created by humans meaning, it can contain unconscious biases that can lead to discriminatory outcomes. 

Job loss

Additionally, one of the biggest benefits is the potential to automate tasks and jobs. However, the flip side of this is that it could lead to job losses and workplace displacement. It may bring cost-saving benefits to businesses but in the long run, it could also lead to social and economic disruption.

Privacy & Security Concerns

The use of AI in business has raised concerns about privacy and security, as these systems can collect and analyse vast amounts of data. There are several privacy concerns including data collection, data breaches and lack of transparency when it comes to understanding how data is being used. This lack of transparency can erode trust and lead to concerns about privacy.

What are the benefits of using AI in business?


This tool automates many tasks, making processes more efficient and freeing up time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks.


AI can provide valuable insights and predictions, helping businesses make informed decisions about product development, marketing, and other areas.

Improved accuracy

It performs tasks with a higher degree of accuracy than humans, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. This is especially important in industries where even small errors can have significant consequences.

How can AI help marketing?


AI can analyse customer data to provide personalised content and recommendations, increasing engagement and conversions.

Predictive analytics

AI can analyse customer behaviour to predict future trends and outcomes, helping businesses make informed decisions about product development and marketing.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide quick and efficient customer service, improving the customer experience.

How can AI help web design?

User experience

It analyses user behaviour and preferences to create a more personalised and intuitive user experience.

Content optimisation

AI can analyse content to optimise it for search engines and improve its performance.

Design automation

AI can automate design tasks such as layout and colour selection, saving time and resources.

In conclusion, this tool has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate, providing valuable insights and automating tasks. However, businesses must be aware of the potential dangers, such as bias and job loss. By leveraging AI to improve marketing and web design, businesses can create more personalised experiences for them, improve efficiency, and increase revenue.

3mins 15th Jun 23 James Scullion