One Year of Rapid Marketing | Rapid Agency Belfast

6min Read 25th Sep 18 James Scullion

What a year it has been. Any of you who currently run your own Businesses or are Self Employed know the struggles, the heartaches, the disappointments - but more importantly… Read More

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One Year of Rapid Marketing – some quick thoughts…

What a year it has been. Anyone currently running your own Businesses or is Self Employed will know the struggles, heartaches, disappointments. But more importantly, there are wins, success stories, seeing your vision come to life.

It has been awesome to step back this morning and look at everything we have achieved. Seeing the impact Rapid Marketing is having on other Businesses in Northern Ireland. But it hasn’t been easy. The frustrations and struggles you face as a Start Up are tough. Some mornings I have woken up and wondered should I be doing this? Other mornings you leap out of bed excited at what the day will bring.

All in all, the part I have enjoyed most is the people, businesses and organisations we have collaborated with. There are some outstanding companies in Northern Ireland that are making a different in their sphere. We hope to say the same about us. In the ever changing arena of Digital Marketing, you had better be on your toes… or else you will get left behind.

On my last note, a word of advice to people thinking of starting something. “Do it, but know it’ll not be easy.” Starting a business off my own back, with no investment is not easy. But it has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. To bring Social Media to local Businesses to understand and afford the service.

Here’s to the rest of 2018 and beyond…



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Rapid Agency – Digital Marketing in Belfast

Donegall Square West Belfast BT1 6JH



6mins 25th Sep 18 James Scullion